Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quanns+Marks | Sisters pics

Once upon a time there were two sets of sisters who loved each other very much. Here is a sampling of their crazy, insane love for God and each other.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
Lindsey Quann, Jenna Quann, Kristen Marks, & Michele Marks.

Crazy girls.

Jenna & Linz know how to turn on the drama.

Linz has trouble getting a real smile. So we practiced.

Until she got it.

Hellllllllooooooo, Jenna.

Apparently Jenna thinks that drama is funny.

One of my favorite shots.

Michele, you're incredible.

I repeat, incredible.

Kristen reminds me of a pixie.

Change of outfits: now they're gypsies & hippies.

Linz and Kristen had a difficult time with the serious faces this time.

Prayers— an important part of the Quann+Marks friendship.

Thank you, birds, for posing so perfectly.

Jail Alley. Yes.

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